
Prevention Strategies for Concussions: Helmets, Mouthguards, and Other Protective Gear

  Introduction Concussions have become a hot topic in many sports, from the NFL to soccer and hockey. There’s been a lot of discussion about how to prevent concussions and how to treat them. This article will cover what concussions are, why they happen, and what can be done to prevent them. Helmets Helmets are not a substitute for common sense. They are only effective if they fit correctly and are used correctly. Helmets can also be dangerous if they're worn incorrectly or with the wrong headgear or equipment. Mouthguards Mouthguards are not just for boxers. They can protect your teeth and jaw from injuries, which can occur when you fall or get hit in the face. Mouthguards come in different styles and materials, so it's important to find one that works for you. Some mouthguards are custom-fitted by dentists and orthodontists; others come pre-formed from sporting goods stores or pharmacies. Shoulder Pads Shoulder pads are another piece of protective gear that can...

Treatment of Concussions and Future Medicine

      Introduction Concussions are the most common type of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Concussions are a type of mild traumatic brain injury that occurs when a sudden force causes the brain to move back and forth or twist within the skull. This can result in damage to nerve cells, which may lead to many problems including permanent loss of consciousness Concussions are the most common type of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Concussions are a type of mild traumatic brain injury that occurs when a sudden force causes the brain to move back and forth or twist within the skull. This can result in damage to nerve cells, which may lead to many problems including permanent loss of consciousness. HITT HITT is a new treatment for concussions. It involves injecting drugs into your bloodstream that can help reduce the symptoms of a concussion, including headaches and dizziness. HITT could be used in the future to treat people who have suffered from a concussion, but it is st...

How Concussions are Underdiagnosed Amid Head Injury Awareness by Dr John Manzella

  Concussions are generally caused by a blow to the head and can cause brain swelling, which can lead to other complications, including second-impact syndrome states Dr John Manzella . While concussions are more common than you might think—an estimated 1.6 million people in the United States alone get them each year—many people don't realize they've suffered one until days or weeks after they've happened. This is because symptoms of a concussion (which include headaches and dizziness) don't always appear right away. It's important to see a doctor if you think you or someone else has had a concussion so it can be diagnosed properly and treated accordingly. Medical experts are concerned that concussions are still underdiagnosed even amid increased awareness and concern. “Concussions are a public health issue,” says Chris Nowinski, co-founder and CEO of the Concussion Legacy Foundation. “If these injuries were happening in other parts of our lives, there would be a...