How Concussions are Underdiagnosed Amid Head Injury Awareness by Dr John Manzella

Concussions are generally caused by a blow to the head and can cause brain swelling, which can lead to other complications, including second-impact syndrome states Dr John Manzella . While concussions are more common than you might think—an estimated 1.6 million people in the United States alone get them each year—many people don't realize they've suffered one until days or weeks after they've happened. This is because symptoms of a concussion (which include headaches and dizziness) don't always appear right away. It's important to see a doctor if you think you or someone else has had a concussion so it can be diagnosed properly and treated accordingly. Medical experts are concerned that concussions are still underdiagnosed even amid increased awareness and concern. “Concussions are a public health issue,” says Chris Nowinski, co-founder and CEO of the Concussion Legacy Foundation. “If these injuries were happening in other parts of our lives, there would be a...